Tuesday, August 26, 2008

TIME FLIES, Love Email 1


Love Email 1

Darling Etta,
Hello! Darling, Hello,
You left this morning. Yet it seems so long ago. I now live in the memory of our time together. I love the way you walk, the way you bustle along. I wonder how such a beauteous bottom creates so great a propulsion! I marvel at your ever-so-delicate ears, which I for the first time touched this morning of departure. I regret I had not used them to whisper the extent of my desire and devotion.

I wish I had spent sometime kissing the back of your neck. I am glad that I had told you true that no one, ever, has so rapidly laid siege and then captured my heart.

Here's some verse I recited on the way home during our second Thursday date (just as we exited the Lincoln Tunnel and wended our way toward the West Village). It’s not mine rather it belongs to Ernest Dowson

Vitae summa brevis spem nos vetat incohare longam

They are not long, the weeping and the laughter,

Love and desire and hate:
I think they have no portion in us after
We pass the gate.

They are not long, the days of wine and roses:

Out of a misty dream
Our path emerges for a while, then closes
Within a dream.

[Though widely published under the title Vitae summa brevis, etc., it seems from the typography in the copy text that this poem is in fact untitled, the Latin inscription having the appearance of being an epigraph.]

I remain yours,


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